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The God is Sovereign ministry of the Assemblies of God, led by Pastor Jasper McDonald Hamilton, in his vision of extending the kingdom of God, promotes the creation of family groups for prayer and Bible study in different places. One of these groups was established in La Ribera de Belén in 2012 and the decision was made to send Pastor Jairo Escalante to this family group with the purpose of developing it as a church through discipleship and evangelistic work.

In this way, the Iglesia Dios es Soberano de Belén began in the living room of a house on Sundays at 5 pm, with meetings made up of 12 people. On November 18 of the same year, that small group of people, together with Pastor Jairo, moved to a place where they consolidated and officially opened their doors to all people.


Since then, the Ministry of God is Sovereign in Bethlehem has held weekly Bible study meetings, cults of worship and intercession, in addition to continuing to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, with the work of a whole team of servants who, together with the Pastor, strive to bring carrying out the great commission and day by day this church grows by the grace and faithfulness of God.


We are a community of faith located in La Ribera de Belén, we are joyfully waiting for you to join


Win Families for Jesus and that they serve him


God of Miracles, Supernatural God


Jairo Escalante

Senior Pastor

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Pastor Jairo Escalante Aguilar, was born in Heredia, Costa Rica, is Pastor and founder of the Ministry God is Sovereign Belén since 2012.

From a young age, Pastor Jairo grew up within the gospel, instilled by his parents who met Christ through the televangelist Yiye Ávila.  

During his youth he joined the Ministry of God is Sovereign in San Joaquín de Flores, led by Pr. Jasper McDonald, where he developed as an evangelist. In his desire to continue growing in knowledge for the service of God at the beginning of 2012 he joined the organization "Youth with a mission", (with its acronym in English 'YWAM') in the state of Minnesota, United States, an organization founded by Loren Cunningham, for the purpose of preparing missionaries and ministers for the entire world.

On a mission trip in the Dominican Republic, after preaching in a marginal neighborhood, Jairo receives the call from God to the pastorate through a feeling in his heart, upon returning to Costa Rica this call is confirmed by his Pastor Jasper McDonald who gives him the task of opening and shepherding a church in the community of Bethlehem, where he currently continues to carry out the work entrusted by his Pastor and guided by God.

Pastor Jairo Escalante Aguilar dedicates himself full time to the pastorate and evangelism, he is frequently invited to participate in Christian radio and television programs where he teaches about the great love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

La Pastora Dorothy McDonald Hamilton oriunda de la zona del caribe de Costa Rica, ha sido la mano derecha del Pastor Jairo Escalante desde los inicios del Ministerio Dios es 
Soberano Belén; en el año 2019 recibe el llamamiento para fungir en la Iglesia como Co-Pastora, función la cuál acepta con mucha alegría.

Nació en el seno de una familia conocedora de la palabra; compuesta por 8 hermanos: 5 mujeres y 3 varones, siendo ella la 5ta. En su niñez fue la primera en la familia a la que Dios llamó… amaba ir al interior de a finca donde vivían en Limón para tener sus tiempos devocionales con el Señor.

A la edad de 14 años recibe un llamado claro y directo de parte de Señor; en ese momento acepta el reto y la gran responsabilidad de interceder por su familia. En el caso de sus hermanos, pese a su cercanía con el evangelio, cuando van creciendo se empiezan a apartar de Dios; mientras en su entorno otros se divertían, ella decide transformar una vieja bodega en la cercanía de su hogar, en su cuarto de guerra donde levanta un altar de oración; a su corta edad invierte horas en secreto a orar sin cesar por su familia creyendo en lo que Dios le dijo.

Gracias a su perseverancia se despertó un gran avivamiento en su familia y poco a poco se va gestando lo que hoy en día es una Familia Ministerial, cada uno de sus 7 hermanos le sirven a Dios en distintas áreas.

Lo que más caracteriza a esta gran mujer es su pasión inagotable por la obra de Dios, siempre está dispuesta a servir en donde la necesiten, ha trabajado levantando Escuelitas Dominicales para niños, formando Equipos de Servidores, ha realizado viajes misioneros pregonando las buenas nuevas de salvación, da consejerías y actualmente lidera un grupo de niños que interceden en plataformas nacionales e internacionales.

La Pastora Dorothy McDonald Hamilton se dedica a tiempo completo al pastorado, su pasión por la obra es contagiosa, su amor por los otros es claramente visible y su amor por Dios también.

Dorothy McDonald

Co-Pastor General


200 meters West of the Plaza de Deportes in La Ribera de Belén, next to the Public Force

La Ribera, Belen, Heredia, Costa Rica


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Telephone:  (506) 8985-6734



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